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Dylan D’Agata

Client Experience Team
With a passion for property law and a commitment to exceptional client service I have joined Davison’s Law as part of the Client Experience Team.

Location: Coventry

Telephone: 024 7531 7120

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I am dedicated to setting up new clients, providing accurate quotes and ensure a seamless start to each client’s journey with Davison’s Law.  Graduating with a LLB Law Degree from Coventry University in 2023 has enabled me to have an academic foundation in Law. I aspire to continue my professional growth within the legal field to be a practicing solicitor in the future.

Outside of work, I enjoy socialising with friends and family. I love to go on walks with my partner and dog. I enjoy travelling and trying new foods.”


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Articles by Dylan D’Agata

My Team


Paige Atkinson

Client Experience Team

02475 317 119


Luke Martin

Associate - Head of Client Experience Team - Solihull & Coventry

0121 289 4255