Can you sue social services for emotional distress?
If you or somebody you love has been the victim of abuse, and a failure by social services has worsened your suffering, you can claim compensation for psychological trauma. If the abuse happened when you were a child, you can still take legal action.
You can also make a claim if social services have wrongly accused you of abusive behaviour.
The most usual reasons for claims against social services are:
- Social workers’ negligence.
- Abuse in a care home.
- Abuse by a foster parent.
- A child being removed from their home without the legal process being followed.
Social services have a legal duty of care. If they have failed to uphold their duty to you or someone you love, please get in touch with our solicitors, who can talk to you about your rights.
How much compensation can you claim for work-related stress and anxiety?
By law, employers have a duty to ensure their employees’ health, safety, and welfare. Work-related stress is a serious health and safety issue, and employers must treat it in the same way as any other potential hazard.
Work-related stress can leave an employee unable to work. It can cause a range of physical symptoms, including headaches, insomnia and panic attacks. These symptoms can lead to long-term mental illness and physical conditions, including depression and heart disease.
Employers must take reasonable steps to identify risks to their employees and take measures to control those risks. They also have a legal duty to protect employees from discrimination at work and any unlawful behaviour that can cause stress.
Where an employee suffers from a long-term mental health condition, an employer must make ‘reasonable adjustments’ under the law to help them to be able to do their job. An example of a reasonable adjustment is arranging for an advocate to support them at work.
If you have been medically diagnosed with work-related stress and your employer is at fault, you may be able to claim compensation.