Solicitors in Edgbaston
Our solicitors know what makes Edgbaston unique with over 30 years’ experience working with the local property market. Edgbaston houses a mix of Georgian and Victorian properties alongside more recent commercial and residential developments, so it is a choice location for homebuyers and property investors. Our law firm has established links with estate agents and other professionals in the area and know what particular searches to carry out.
Our solicitors in Edgbaston also specialise in wills and probate. Whether you would like to make a will or you wish to update an existing will, we are here to help you. If you have any questions or you would like to take the first step, we will not charge you for an initial chat with a specialist lawyer.
In Edgbaston, we also have a team of experienced family lawyers. We know that relationship breakdown can be traumatic, and we are here to provide you with all the legal advice and practical support you need to move on with your life.