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Bernie Mitchell

I am one of the longest serving employees of Davisons Law having worked for the firm for over 30 years so I have seen it grow and progress in to the great firm it is now.

Location: Edgbaston

Telephone: 0121 685 1282

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During my time at Davison’s I have worked in various offices and departments within the practice including Conveyancing, HR, Office Management, IT, Accounts and Financial Management and I now hold the role of Practice Director so there is definitely variety and career progression within the firm !    My day to day role is very diverse and I enjoy the wide ranging experiences and responsibilities as a Director.

Outside of work I am married to Mike and hanging out with him and my three grown up kids is one of the best parts of my life now – together with holidaying and sampling good food and wine with friends !

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My Team


Sam Richards

Risks & Complaints Manager

0121 820 0456


Rhys Lewis

Associate-Head of IT

0121 685 1241


Lewis Glennon

Marketing Assistant

0121 824 8074


Balbir Gill

HR Assistant/Recruitment

0121 820 9493


Parmjit Griffin

Human Resources Manager

0121 270 8677


Jack Brassington

Finance & Marketing Manager

0121 289 4791


Sajid Mohammad

Complaints & Risk Officer

0121 725 5558


Vicky Lowe

Facilities Manager

0121 725 5537


Christine Lloyd

Post and Facilities

0121 725 5565


Claire Hogarth

Practice Manager

0121 289 3794