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Sophia Reid

Assistant to Marcus Walker
I am currently a Conveyancing Assistant, performing a vital role in assisting clients through the conveyancing process.

Location: Coventry

Telephone: 0121 725 5576

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After obtaining a Level 3 diploma in Law and Business in 2020, I began my career in 2021, joining the firm as an Apprentice in the Private Client department. I developed a keen interest in property law and then progressed into our conveyancing team in 2022, where I now support Marcus and the team in delivering seamless conveyancing services.

I am committed to making the conveyancing process as smooth as possible, guiding clients with clear communication and consistent support from start to finish. I understand that buying or selling a property can be stressful, so I take pride in helping clients with any difficulties that may arise along the way in a reassuring and supportive manner

My main aim is to strive for continuous professional development and building my expertise in this department with further legal training in the future.

In my spare time, I thoroughly enjoy cooking, spending quality time with family and I hope to explore more of the UK’s scenic nature trails.

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My Team


Marcus Walker

Head of Coventry Office - Solicitor

0121 725 5626


Eleanor Slevin

Trainee Solicitor

0121 725 5536