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Jaime Gibbs

Client Experience Team
I work in the client experience team at our Four Oaks office.

Location: Sutton Coldfield

Telephone: 0121 824 1484

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I love the team I work with and enjoy dealing with clients every day; looking to offer them the best customer service possible.

Outside of work I sing in a band, ride motorbikes, go camping, as well as walking. I also enjoy paddleboarding, going for meals and visiting the cinema.

What our clients say about us

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Articles by Jaime Gibbs

My Team

Sutton Coldfield

Aman Gill

Client Experience Team

0121 725 5614

Sutton Coldfield

Megan Glennon

Client Experience Team

0121 725 5520

Sutton Coldfield

Julie Burrows

Head of Client Experience Team - Four Oaks and Lichfield

0121 725 5529