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Harriet Martin

New Build Administrator
I originally joined the firm in 2021 as an Apprentice achieving the apprentice at the beginning of 2022.

Location: Solihull

Telephone: 0121 725 9834

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I have now progressed to one of Nicola Powell’s assistances specialising in the New Build department at the Solihull office. My favourite part of working at Davisons is that the company offers progression within the firm. Overall, I enjoy every aspect of my job and working for Davisons overall.

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My Team


Nicola Powell

Associate - Head of New Build (Solihull)

0121 289 3788


Mary-Clare Tully

Client Experience Team

01902 200 142


Mandeep Kaur

Post Completion Manager

0121 714 0242


Alicia Franklin

Senior Legal Assistant to Nicola Powell

0121 725 4477