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Eloise Johnson

Junior Conveyancer
I have loved working for Davisons since June 2022 after finishing my LLB at the University of Liverpool and have been developing my legal skills and knowledge since joining the firm.

Location: Colmore Row

Telephone: 0121 824 9531

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I now assist Scott Wilkinson, a Senior Coneyancer at Colmore Row, in providing assistance over range of complex conveyancing matters with the number one aim of providing clients with a friendly, comfortable and understanding service.

My hobbies outside of work include reading, writing and spending as much time as possible with family and friends.

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My Team

Colmore Row

Daniel Stones

Director | Head of Colmore Row

0121 289 3723

Colmore Row

Scott Wilkinson

Senior Residential Conveyancer

0121 824 9523