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Brogan Allen

Client Experience Team - Team Leader
I am a team leader for our client relationship team.

Location: Edgbaston

Telephone: 0121 685 0011

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I have been with the firm for eleven years and day to day send quotes out to new client, speak to them on the phone as well as managing my team having become a team leader two years ago. I also go out to site visits to speak to developers and try and pull in new business for the firm. I offer a friendly fast efficient service to clients ensuring a smooth start to their legal journey.

Outside work I enjoy socialising with friends and family, reading and walking my dog.

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My Team


Miami Grappy

Client Experience Team

0121 274 2561


Hannah Jay

Client Experience Team

0121 685 8107


Joy Suaiso

Client Experience Team

0121 714 0129


Robert Beadle

Associate - Head of Client Experience Team - Edgbaston

0121 289 3756


Lucy Andrews

Client Experience Team

0121 725 5453


Sebastian Williams

Client Relationship Team

0121 289 3793


Gus O’Malley

Client Experience Team - Team Leader

0121 725 5557