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Al Nijjar

Senior Associate Conveyancer - Head of Stafford Office
I am a Senior Associate Conveyancer and head up our Stafford office. I have been working within residential conveyancing for over 10 years and deal with freehold and leasehold sales and purchases, as well as Transfers of Title/equity, Remortages and right to Buy purchases from the Council.

Location: Stafford

Telephone: 01902 927 444

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In addition, I also act for clients in completing deed of easements, when they wish to add or remove legal rights to their property.

I pride myself in being meticulous when completing conveyancing transactions and when needed I am able to complete deed of variations to rectify defective legal titles and leases.

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My Team


Anthony Myles

Director | Stafford & Wolverhampton

01902 302333


Daniel Wood

Licensed Conveyancer

01902 296606