The National Domestic Abuse helpline has seen a 25% increase in telephone calls reporting perpetrators of abuse since the lockdown began. The lockdown is no doubt putting a massive financial and emotional strain on many families. This means that the restrictions leave victims to be consistently more vulnerable. Victims must not feel totally isolated and should seek legal help and/or support.
Whilst our homes are a safe place for many the same cannot be said for all.
Isolation is already used as a tool of control but what other behaviour constitutes as domestic abuse? The answer is any form of negative behaviour where there is controlling, bullying, threatening, coercive or violent behaviour between two parties. Domestic abuse is not limited to physical behaviour and includes; emotional, physical, sexual, psychological and/or financial abuse. No-one should be subjected to this abuse.
Some victims however may feel they are unable to report the abuse and many cases of domestic abuse go unreported. Victims are unable to attend their GP for face to face appointments due to the current pandemic and are unable to voice their concerns due to the risk of being overheard by the perpetrator. “Escaping risk of harm” is a legitimate reason to leave your home during the lockdown to remove yourself from abuse and seek help.
If you are a victim of domestic abuse you are not alone, you can seek support and legal help. Here at Davisons we able to help in times where you may not know where to turn. Our specialist advisors can advise you on the best course of action to put in place measures to prevent contact from the abuser, including how to stop them contacting you or being in a close proximity to you.
We can support you with making an application for an injunction, known as a Non Molestation Order, and drafting a supporting statement to the Court to seek protection. In addition to supporting you with making an application to the Court, Davisons can also represent you in Court proceedings where it can be extremely daunting to be on your own. It is possible for an application to be made with or without notice to the perpetrator and our team will advise you on the best suited application for you. Our trusted legal advisors are only a telephone call away to help you discretely and confidentially. Do not suffer domestic abuse in silence and call a member of our trusted team on 0121 685 1234.
Davisons have supported Orange The World Campaign, which is to end violence against women and children, however domestic violence is not limited to women and children, men can also be victims of domestic abuse.
It is important to remember that other helplines remain accessible despite the Government guidelines. Some helpline providers are offering internet services with quick exits should the abuser come in the same room as you.
Support includes but is not limited to:
- National Domestic Violence Help line 0808 2000 247;
- Men’s Advice Line 0808 801 0327;
- Victim Support 0808 1689 111;
- Police 999 (if you cannot talk once you have dialled 999 press 55);
- Legal Advice via your trusted friends at Davisons, contact us.