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Tracy Groom

Business Development Manager - Stafford
I am the Business Development Manager for our Stafford office.

Location: Stafford

Telephone: 01785 556 781

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I am highly experienced having starting a career in sales at the age of 20. Throughout the years I have worked on various different developments, getting to know a number of developers and people in the industry.

Having previous experience of setting up a New Build Team at my old firm I joined Davisons Law in 2023, with my role involving me bringing in new business for the Stafford office and looking after the number of new build sites we already have relationships with. This is done by working out a developers wants and needs, regularly visiting their sites and ensuring I am building a good rapport and making sure they are happy.

Outside of work I enjoy walking my dog and going to the gym.

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Mike Anson

Head of New Build - Stafford

01785 556782