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Fully accredited

Mia Harte

Client Experience Team
I am currently a member of the Client Relationship team at our Edgbaston office, where I serve as the first point of contact for clients.

Location: Edgbaston

Telephone: 0121 725 4546

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My primary focus is to ensure their enquiries are addressed promptly and that they feel supported and comfortable throughout their experience with Davisons. With a background in retail, I’m dedicated to ensuring every client is well taken care of. Outside of work, I enjoy traveling and playing tennis.

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Articles by Mia Harte

My Team


Miami Grappy

Client Experience Team

0121 274 2561


Nosheen Akhtar

Client Experience Team

0121 725 5549


Stephanie-Lauren Rotherham

Assistant to Samantha Ingram

0121 824 3324


Joy Suaiso

Client Experience Team

0121 714 0129


Robert Beadle

Associate - Head of Client Experience Team - Edgbaston

0121 289 3756


Lucy Andrews

Client Experience Team

0121 725 5453