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Charlotte Southan

Management Team Assistant
I have worked at Davisons Law since 2024, assisting the managment team.

Location: Edgbaston

Telephone: 0121 725 5612

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With a background of managing teams and dealing with companies admin, my role at Davisons Law is very varied, assisting the practice manager, HR, facilities, and also helping out with the finance side of the company. This helps make every day different which I like and I also enjoy the people I work with who have all been very helpful since I joined the company.

Outside of work I enjoy swimming and spending time with my son.

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My Team


Bernie Mitchell


0121 685 1282


Parmjit Griffin

Human Resources Manager

0121 270 8677


Jack Brassington

Finance & Marketing Manager

0121 289 4791


Vicky Lowe

Facilities Manager

0121 725 5537


Claire Hogarth

Practice Manager

0121 289 3794