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Callum Daly

Apprentice Cashier
I work in the accounts department at Davisons Law.

Location: Edgbaston


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I joined the firm in 2024 and day to day deal with estate agent payments and card payments. I am still looking to grow in my role and am learning a lot from my team who have been very helpful since I joined.

Outside of work I enjoy playing games and watching movies.

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My Team


Mark Wilson

Legal Cashier

0121 289 3742


Lisa Carter

Accounts manager

0121 685 1242


Leah Hindmarch-Knight

Legal Cashier

0121 725 5535


Kevon Miller

Team Leader Accounts

0121 289 4937


Sydney Canning

Legal Cashier

0121 824 3322


Andrea Grinnell

Senior Legal Cashier

0121 685 1253