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Brogan Cottis

Client Experience Team
My role at Davisons' Law is client experience team.

Location: Coventry

Telephone: 024 7531 7125

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My job is to make sure that your move process gets off to a solid and consistent start. I recently moved from a London based law firm to Coventry bringing my experience with me. After earning two diplomas from a London college, I began working as a receptionist in the legal field and have a great knowledge of my role and get great satisfaction from working with clients on a day-to-day basis.

I enjoy spending my free time in the kitchen making delicious meals and desserts; when I’m not cooking, I’m working on my art.


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My Team


Paige Atkinson

Client Experience Team

02475 317 119


Dylan D’Agata

Client Experience Team

024 7531 7120


Luke Martin

Associate - Head of Client Experience Team - Solihull & Coventry

0121 289 4255