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Alex Vrabtchev

Paralegal to Kieren Mulvey
I'm a Paralegal at Davisons Law with just under 2 years of experience in legal practice.

Location: Stow-on-the-Wold

Telephone: 01451 828 798

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I currently work in residential conveyancing, but have previously also had experience in corporate law. I graduated my bachelors from the University of Essex and my masters from the University of Law in Bristol. During my studies I was able to learn a wide range of legal areas, with particular interests in corporate, competition, property and international trade law.

In my spare time, I enjoy mountaineering, skiing, and other adventure sports. I am a big motorsports fan, and have a keen interest in classic cars and motorcycles. I like travelling, cooking, reading history and video games.

I’d describe myself as a friendly and resourceful individual, who cares about clients and his co-workers and works hard to deliver results.

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Kieren Mulvey

Residential Conveyancing Solicitor

01451 828 799